Sunday, January 13, 2008

Small home plans with big size

When you ask someone what's the size of a home, the answer depends on the person you asked. You can hand out house floor plans to two different people, ask them to calculate the plans size, and get two different answers. And they’ll booth be true. Although you're sure the answer objective, it is rather subjective, since different people in the construction industry have different interests and ways to measure your house.  Builders naturally will tell you the house size is different from what county auditors would tell, both numbers are different from the net and the gross size of the home. As you've already guessed, there are several ways to measure the home size. This has a great importance, since the size of your home plan is a great factor of your suture constructing cost, and when comparing two home plans, it's important you'll compare sizes measured the same way. Some home designs calculate the square footage only according to the heated placed, and some include every area that is under roof. Some include the thickness of the walls in the area calculated (gross area), and some don’t, and gives you the net area. Most home designs state how the area was calculates. If this information is missing, you must contact the designer and get it – it has big influence on your building cost. When comparing two building designs, make sure their size was calculated the same way.

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